The Dolphin 1 is being used and tested all around the world. With H2O Rescue now a full Distributor of the Dolphin 1, this includes the United States. We will regularly add new video clips, news articles, and other promotional content to this page. So feel free to check back here often, and contact us when you’re ready to purchase. Discounts available for buying multiple units as well.


The Dolphin1- A Powerful Rescue Craft

Article source: Newpelican      The efficiency of life-saving equipment used in a drowning situation can come down to a matter of seconds and possibly life or death. Technology and response times are improving and continual technological advances are making … Read More

Lifeguards in Brighton Beach Testing Out Dolphin1

Lifeguards in Brighton Beach are trialing a new remote-controlled buoy, the Dolphin 1, which enables them to save lives without setting foot in the water. The new device has been deployed following a series of tragedies along the south coast. … Read More

Dolphin1 – Tested in Spain

On August 25, 2020, the first Dolphin 1 Remote Control Lifebuoy demonstration in Spain was held on the beach of Guardamar with the arrangement by local partner MLC Consulting. The Guardamar de la Safor Red Cross also participated to offer … Read More

Deploying Long Mooring Lines

The setup of mooring lines has never been an easy task. This seemingly simple action often requires vessels for transportation, which has high labor costs and low efficiency. Recently, a passenger port in Zhuhai, China has created a new solution … Read More